Saint Anne, Mother of the Most Blessed Virgin
Feast: July 26th

St. Anne was the ever-chaste wife of St. Joachim, the father of our Blessed Virgin. Though advanced in years, Sts. Joachim and Anne remained fervent in their prayers to be blessed with a child. God was pleased with their devotion and chose to bless them with a miraculous conception, long past child-bearing years, as a result of their love of Him and love of each other.
Tradition teaches that while Joachim was away from home, an angel of God appeared to her in a vision. This angel promised that she and Saint Joachim would bear a child who would be blessed through the ages. Upon waking from this vision, St. Anne rushed to share her excitement with her husband. She greeted him upon his arrival home, only to learn that he, too, was blessed with a n angelic vision of the same good tidings.
What indescribably sweet happiness must have existed in their hearts to know God was granting them such a blessing! In gratitude and devotion to their Lord, St. Anne delivered Mary to the service of the Temple when she was just three years old.
As a result of her exemplary love, devotion and obedience to the Will of the Father, St. Anne was named Patroness of mothers, grandmothers, grandparents, unmarried women, infertile women, and unborn children. She is shown in art forms as a loving mother to Mary, often in the company of her beloved husband, St. Joachim, and many times with the infant, Jesus.
Tradition teaches that while Joachim was away from home, an angel of God appeared to her in a vision. This angel promised that she and Saint Joachim would bear a child who would be blessed through the ages. Upon waking from this vision, St. Anne rushed to share her excitement with her husband. She greeted him upon his arrival home, only to learn that he, too, was blessed with a n angelic vision of the same good tidings.
What indescribably sweet happiness must have existed in their hearts to know God was granting them such a blessing! In gratitude and devotion to their Lord, St. Anne delivered Mary to the service of the Temple when she was just three years old.
As a result of her exemplary love, devotion and obedience to the Will of the Father, St. Anne was named Patroness of mothers, grandmothers, grandparents, unmarried women, infertile women, and unborn children. She is shown in art forms as a loving mother to Mary, often in the company of her beloved husband, St. Joachim, and many times with the infant, Jesus.
Prayer to Saint Anne
Glorious St. Anne, filled with compassion for those who invoke you and with love for those who suffer, heavily laden with the weight of my troubles, I cast myself at your feet and humbly beg of you to take the present affair which I recommend to you under your special protection.
Vouchsafe to recommend it to your daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and lay it before the throne of Jesus, so that He may bring it to a happy issue. Cease not to intercede for me until my request is granted. (Here ask for favor you wish to obtain.)
Above all, obtain for me the grace of one day beholding my God face to face, and with You and Mary and all the saints, praising and blessing Him through all eternity. Amen.
Good St. Anne, mother of her who is our life, our sweetness and our hope, pray to her for us and obtain our request. (Three times).