Ministry List & Description!
Ministries in the Hispanic community
The Hispanic community within St. Joachim parish began more than four years ago with a Mass on Sunday evenings in St. Ann Church. Two years ago, that Sunday Mass was moved to Annunciation Church at 12PM, and Rosary at 11:30AM. Ministries within the Mass include choir, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, altar servers, ministers of hospitality (ushers). In addition, the community has prayer gatherings on Thursday and Saturday evenings for prayer. There is a faith formation program on Sunday mornings with about 50 children, 9 catechists, two assistants and one coordinator.
Altar and Rosary
The Altar and Rosary Society is a supportive group of women helping each other grow in relationship with Jesus Christ through His Mother Mary. All women of the parish are welcome to attend our meetings which are the first Friday of the month (except July and August) at 7PM in the Parish Hall.
Music Ministry
Music ministry is comprised of our parish adult choir, youth choir and cantors. The adult choir rehearses Wednesdays at 6:30PM in church and sings at the 10AM Sunday mass and for holidays masses. The youth choir rehearses Tuesdays from 6-6:45PM in the school and sings the 10am mass on the second Sunday of the month.
Knights of Columbus council 12092
Knights of Columbus council 12092 here at St. Joachim serves in faith and community, we are searching for catholic men to be part of in service to one, and service to all. Even in today’s busy lives, one hour a month is enough to help those in need.
Parish Health Care Ministry
Do you like to offer comfort and care? Can you pray for the sick? Then you are qualified! Join the Parish Health Care Ministry. Activities include making prayer shawls, health prevention education, sending cards to our sick, drug abuse education for families, blood pressure screenings and CPR training. Join us at our next meeting to find out more on Monday 10/21/19 at 7 pm.
We are responsible for the collections, selecting someone to take up the offertory gifts, handing out the bulletins, and straightening the pews. We direct newcomers as needed to baptisms and we help wherever we can. We could always use a hand.
Minimal training before you could be placed on the quarterly schedule which would require you to read once or twice a month on Sundays and Holy Days during the year. You may choose your preference of the Mass you would like to attend, and we would be more than happy to work around any vacation or time off you may need to schedule.
Missionary Disciples
Description: Build up new and existing parish ministries by focusing on ways to invite people to personally encounter
Confession Companions
Accompany those who have been away from the Sacrament of Penance back to the reconciliation process that leads to confession with a priest.
Cemetery Companions
Accompany those who want to make a cemetery visit but are reluctant or unable to do so by themselves.
Grief Ministry
The Comfort in Grief Ministry provides compassionate support to members of our parish and surrounding community who have lost loved ones. Some ministers provide guidance in planning a meaningful funeral liturgy or prayer service. Others conduct grief support groups to promote an understanding of the grief process and to allow the griever to tell his/her story. Qualities of a minister include empathy, non-judgmental attitude, ability to listen, as well as a sense of humor.
Religious Education
The Religious Education Ministry is dedicated to forming a firm and lasting relationship with God through the reception of the Sacraments. Our Catechists and Aides help in the development of the youth in attendance by the guiding principles of Faith, Family and Service.
Pastoral Council
Pastoral Council is a consultative body in the Parish that serve to advise the priest about pastoral issues. The council’s purpose is to investigate, reflect & reach conclusion about pastoral
matters to recommend to the parish priest as appropriate.
Social Committee
The Social Committee runs fundraisers for the parish such as Comedy night, Designer bag bingo, Happy Hour at Adelphia's, Palm Sunday Breakfast. Our goal is to bring our people
Rosary & Novena
All are invited to participate in this weekly devotion. Novena is held after each 6:30PM Monday evening mass September to June in the Chapel.
Greeters are needed for all the masses. This is a great way to welcome new parishioners and the regular attendees. There is no cost, just a friendly smile, and 15 - 20 minutes of your time before the mass begins.
The Hispanic community within St. Joachim parish began more than four years ago with a Mass on Sunday evenings in St. Ann Church. Two years ago, that Sunday Mass was moved to Annunciation Church at 12PM, and Rosary at 11:30AM. Ministries within the Mass include choir, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, altar servers, ministers of hospitality (ushers). In addition, the community has prayer gatherings on Thursday and Saturday evenings for prayer. There is a faith formation program on Sunday mornings with about 50 children, 9 catechists, two assistants and one coordinator.
Altar and Rosary
The Altar and Rosary Society is a supportive group of women helping each other grow in relationship with Jesus Christ through His Mother Mary. All women of the parish are welcome to attend our meetings which are the first Friday of the month (except July and August) at 7PM in the Parish Hall.
Music Ministry
Music ministry is comprised of our parish adult choir, youth choir and cantors. The adult choir rehearses Wednesdays at 6:30PM in church and sings at the 10AM Sunday mass and for holidays masses. The youth choir rehearses Tuesdays from 6-6:45PM in the school and sings the 10am mass on the second Sunday of the month.
Knights of Columbus council 12092
Knights of Columbus council 12092 here at St. Joachim serves in faith and community, we are searching for catholic men to be part of in service to one, and service to all. Even in today’s busy lives, one hour a month is enough to help those in need.
Parish Health Care Ministry
Do you like to offer comfort and care? Can you pray for the sick? Then you are qualified! Join the Parish Health Care Ministry. Activities include making prayer shawls, health prevention education, sending cards to our sick, drug abuse education for families, blood pressure screenings and CPR training. Join us at our next meeting to find out more on Monday 10/21/19 at 7 pm.
We are responsible for the collections, selecting someone to take up the offertory gifts, handing out the bulletins, and straightening the pews. We direct newcomers as needed to baptisms and we help wherever we can. We could always use a hand.
Minimal training before you could be placed on the quarterly schedule which would require you to read once or twice a month on Sundays and Holy Days during the year. You may choose your preference of the Mass you would like to attend, and we would be more than happy to work around any vacation or time off you may need to schedule.
Missionary Disciples
Description: Build up new and existing parish ministries by focusing on ways to invite people to personally encounter
Confession Companions
Accompany those who have been away from the Sacrament of Penance back to the reconciliation process that leads to confession with a priest.
Cemetery Companions
Accompany those who want to make a cemetery visit but are reluctant or unable to do so by themselves.
Grief Ministry
The Comfort in Grief Ministry provides compassionate support to members of our parish and surrounding community who have lost loved ones. Some ministers provide guidance in planning a meaningful funeral liturgy or prayer service. Others conduct grief support groups to promote an understanding of the grief process and to allow the griever to tell his/her story. Qualities of a minister include empathy, non-judgmental attitude, ability to listen, as well as a sense of humor.
Religious Education
The Religious Education Ministry is dedicated to forming a firm and lasting relationship with God through the reception of the Sacraments. Our Catechists and Aides help in the development of the youth in attendance by the guiding principles of Faith, Family and Service.
Pastoral Council
Pastoral Council is a consultative body in the Parish that serve to advise the priest about pastoral issues. The council’s purpose is to investigate, reflect & reach conclusion about pastoral
matters to recommend to the parish priest as appropriate.
Social Committee
The Social Committee runs fundraisers for the parish such as Comedy night, Designer bag bingo, Happy Hour at Adelphia's, Palm Sunday Breakfast. Our goal is to bring our people
Rosary & Novena
All are invited to participate in this weekly devotion. Novena is held after each 6:30PM Monday evening mass September to June in the Chapel.
Greeters are needed for all the masses. This is a great way to welcome new parishioners and the regular attendees. There is no cost, just a friendly smile, and 15 - 20 minutes of your time before the mass begins.
More descriptions to come!
If you are interested in a ministry, whether it be joining, donating, or learning about it, please call the Parish Office at 856-931-6307